Monday, May 4, 2020

Some Technical Education & First Aid Measures For Farmers

Cut Injury

a) The first aid treatment of cut injury depends upon the date and extent of injury.
b) But in first aid one should clean the wound with antiseptic lotion.
c) If it is bleeding profusely tight bandage without ointment is to be given.
d) The injured part should be kept raised or elevated.
e) If there is any associated fracture, a proper split or support should be given. But the patient, should be brought to the hospital at the earliest possible.


Snake Bite & Preventions

a) In snake infested regions long trousers, high shoes or leggings and gloves should be worn. Most important is to look where to step while walking.
First Aid:
a) Re-assure the complete rest to the victim to retard the absorption of venom. A wide tourniquet or any piece of cloth) should be placed a few centimeters proximal or above the site of bite. It should be tight to an extent that a finger should pass below it with difficulty.
Suction of venom should be done by giving 1 cm linear and 1/2 cm deep incision at the mark of the fangs after applying an antiseptic lotion. Suction should preferably be done with rubber bulb, breast pump or with moth after ensuring that there is no oral lesion. It should continue for about an hour. If done promptly 50% of the venom can be removed.


Electric Injuries & Preventions

a) Educate the electric hazards to everybody.
b) Proper installation of electric appliances, grounding of telephone lines, radio and television aerials, use of rubber gloves and dry shoes when working with electric circuit.
First Aid:
a) Prompt switching off the current, if possible.
b) Immediate removal of the victim from the contact with the current without directly touching him. Rescuer should use a rubber sheet, a leather belt, a wooden pole or any other non￾conductive material to detach him.
c) If the victim is not breathing, mouth respiration should be given.
d) If no pulse is felt cardiac massage (pressure on left side chest) should be given.
e) In mild cases local treatment of burnt part is required.


Honey bee Bite

a) Cooling of the part with ice pads.
b) Removal of stings.
c) Cleaning with soap and water.
d) Local and systematic anti allergies to be given.
e) Perfumes and bright colours attract these insects and should be avoided.
f) Sensitive person can have serve anaphylactic shock with even a single bite.
g) Every such patient must get the medical aid from a doctor.

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