Sunday, June 28, 2020

In Detail About Vegetable Crops. Their Classification, Identification & Production Technology

Solanaceous Crop


Common Name: Wolf Apple, Vilayati Baigan
B.N: Lycopersicon esculentum
Family: Solanaceae
Chr. No.: 24
Origin: Peru of South America
Edible part: Pericarp, Placenta, Seed
Water Content in Fruit: 93.5%
Pollination: Self Pollinated
Seed Rate: 125-175gm/ha
Nursery Bed Size: For 1hectare- 50m×1.2m

Arka Saurabb- Developed by IIHR, Arka Vikas- Developed by IIHR, Arka Vardan- Developed by IIHR, Pusa Ruby- Developed by IARI, Pusa early dwarf- Developed by IARI, Pusa Gaurav- Developed by IARI, Pusa Sheetal- Developed by IARI, Pusa sadabahar- Developed by IARI, Sioux- Developed by IARI, Roma- Developed by IARI, Pant Bahar- Developed by GBPUAT Pantnagar, CO-3- Developed by Coimbatore


Varieties for fresh market

Pusa Early Dwarf, Pusa Ruby, Pusa 120, T 1, KS 2, Pant T 3, Arka Vikas, Arka Saurabh, CO3, BT 12, Punjab Kesari, Sel 6, Sel 7, Sel 32, Pantbahar

Varieties for long distance transport

All F1 hybrids, Pusa Gaurav, Roma, Punjab Chhuhara, Pusa Uphar, Labonita

Varieties for Processing

Pusa Gaurav, Pusa hybrid 2, Roma, Punjab Chhuhara, Pusa Uphar, Arka Saurabh 

Varieties resistant to abiotic streses

Pusa Sheetal (IARI)- Low áš­emperatur̥e regime

Pusa hybrid 1 (IARI)- High temperature regime

Pusa Sadabahar (IARI)- High & Low temperature regime

Soil: grown in all types of soils, but the soil should be friable, light soils ranging from sandy loam to loam are best.

Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 20-25°c
Sowing time: winter planting- sowing in October an transplanting in November December.

  • Dwarf varieties- 75 to 30 cm
  • Rainy season varieties- 120/150 to 30 cm
Isolation Distance:
  • Foundation Seed- 50m
  • Certified Seed- 25m
Transplanting Age: 3-4 weeks

Manures and Fertilizers: 10 tones of well rotten FYM and plough it into the soil. Add 25 kg of N along with 25 kg of P and 25 kg of K per acre 

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given immediately after transplanting. Subsequent irrigations may be given after 6-7 days during summer and 10-15 days during winter months. Total number of irrigations required are 14 to 15.

Harvesting: Harvesting should be done 70-100 days after planting & According to distance of markets.
  1. For long distance markets pick mature green fruits 
  2. for local market pick at red stage.
  3. For processing, pick when fruits are fully red. 
  4. for long distance markets remove rotten, over-ripe and borer infested fruits. 
Grading: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has specified four grades
Super A, Super, Fancy and Commercial.  

Life Cycle: Annual Vegetable
Yield: Open pollinated varieties ranges from 20-25t/ha. Hybrid varieties up to 50-96t/ha.



Common Name: Eggplant, Aubergine
B.N: Solanum melongena
Family: Solanaceae
Chr. No.: 24
Origin: India
Pollination: Self Pollinated
Water Content in Fruit: 92.7%
Seed Rate: 350-500gm/ha
Arka Navneet- Released by IIHR, Pusa Hybrid 5- Released by IARI, Pusa Hybrid 6- Released by IARI, Pusa Hybrid 9- Released by IARI, Pusa Purple Long, Pusa Purple Cluster, Pusa Kranti, Pusa Bhairav, Pusa Anupam, Pusa Uttam, Pragati, Vaishali, Pant Rituraj, Hisar Jamuni, Manjiri Gota, Annamalai, CO1, CO2 

Soil: well drained loamy, sandy soils which are rich in organic matter.

Nursery Bed Size: For 1hectare- 54m×1.2m
Optimum  Temperature for Crop Growth: 20-25°c

Isolation Distance:
  • Foundation Seed- 200m
  • Certified Seed- 100m
Transplanting Age: 3-4 weeks
Sowing Time: 
  • February March 
  • June-July 
Manure and Fertilizers: Apply 10 tonnes of well rotten FYM. Apply 25 kg of N  25 kg of P and 12 kg of K per acre. Apply all the fertilizers at transplanting. After two pickings, again apply 25 kg of N per acre.

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given immediately after transplanting. During summer irrigate the crop at 4-6 days interval. during winter season irrigate at 10-14 days interval depending on soil type. It requires 10-16 irrigations.

Harvesting: Fruits should be harvested when become tender and fully developed. Harvest every week in the peak season.

Life Cycle: Annual Vegetable
Yield: 45-90t/ha



B.N: Capsicum annum/frutescens
Family: Solanaceae
Chr. No.: 24
Origin: Mexico
Edible part: Fruit
Seed Rate: 1-1.5kg/ha
Pollination: Self Pollinated
Nursery Bed Size: For 1hectare- 180m×1.2m
Soil: well drained loamy soil rich in organic matter
P.H: 5.0-7.5%
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 25-27°c

Sowing Time: October to November. Transplanting done in February – March.

Jwala Sakshi- Released by KAU, Punjab lal- Released by PAU Ludhiana, CO1- Released by TNAU Coimbatore, CO2- Released by TNAU Coimbatore, Bhagyalaxmi- Released by Lam, Andhra Jyoti- Released by Lam, Pusa Jwala- Released by IARI, Pant C1- Released by GBPUAT Pantnagar, Pant C2- Released by GBPUAT Pantnagar, G1- Lam, G2- Lam, G3- Lam

Isolation Distance:
  • Foundation Seed- 200m
  • Certified Seed- 100m
Manures and Fertilizers: Apply well  rotten FYM 10-15 tonnes or 6 quintal paddy straw compost per acre. The recommended doses of fertilizers are 25 kg of N and 12 kg of P and 12 kg of K per acre. Whole P and K together with 1/2 N should be drilled at transplanting and the remaining N should be top dressed after first picking. Apply 30 kg N per acre to hybrid chilli

1. Furrow Irrigation: First irrigation should 
be given just after transplanting. Subsequent irrigations should be given at 7-10 days intervals. Total number of irrigations required are 15-16. 
2. Drip Irrigation: Under this system irrigation should be applied at two days interval

Harvesting:  The crop is harvested for either green fruits or red ripe fruits by hand picking. The picking of green fruits continues for about two months at an interval of 10-12 days and there will be five to six pickings for green chilli and three to four for red ripe fruits in all. Drying of red fruits for about 5-7 days in bright sunlight is necessary before marketing or storage.

Yield: for green chilli 7-16t/ha and for dry chilli 0.5-1.0t/ha of rainfed crops and 1.5-2.5t/ha of irrigated crops.


Sweet Pepper

Common Name: Bell pepper, Sweet pepper
B.N: Capsicum annum
Family: Solanaceae
Chr. No.: 24
Origin: Central & South America
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 93.4%
Pollination: Self Pollinated

Seed Rate: 
  • Hybrid 250g/ha
  • Local 300g/ha
Varieties- Larie, Indira- released by NOVARTIS, Hira- released by NATH, Green Gold- released by MAHYCO, Pusa Deepti- released by IARI Katrain

Soil: can be grown on all types of soils. loam and sandy loam soil with good water holding capacity are ideal.
P.H: 5.5-6.8%

Sowing Time: sowing in October and transplanted in end of November.
Optimum  Temperature for Crop Growth: 20-25°c

Isolation Distance:
  • Foundation Seed- 200m
  • Certified Seed- 100m
Manures and Fertilizers : This crop is a heavy feeder, FYM at the rate of 20-25 tonnes/acre is applied at the time of preparation of the soil. The inorganic fertilizers at the rate of 50 kg N, 25 kg P  and 12kg K  should be applied per acre. Whole P, K and 1/3 of N are applied at the time of planting and rest of N is supplied in two equal doses. one and two months after transplanting.

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given immediately after transplanting. irrigation is given at 4 to 5 days interval during hot  weather and 7 to 8 days during cold weather.

Harvesting: The crop is ready for harvest in about 3 months after transplanting. Pick the fruits when they are fully developed but still green and shining. 

  • Hybrid 45t/ha
  • Local 25t/ha



B.N: Solanum tuberosum
Family: Solanaceae
Chr. No.: 48
Origin: South America
Edible Part: Stem, Tuber
Water Content in Fruit: 74.7%
Pollination: Self Pollinated
Seed Rate: 20-35qnt/ha
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 18-25°c

Soil: Well drained, loose, friable, non-saline and non-alkaline loamy sand to sandy loam soils
P.H: 5.5-8.0%

Green Manuring: Sow 20 kg of sunhemp or Dhaincha for green manuring from end of June to first week of July. Burry the crop after 7-8 weeks of sowing to allow proper decomposition before potato planting.

Preparatory Tillage : Plough with a mould board or disc-plough, followed by the disc-harrow or the tiller, depending upon the soil type. In loamy sand soil, disking alone is sufficient. Apply FYM after preparatory tillage just before planting as this practice is more beneficial than incorporating into the soil through cultivation. If weeds or stubbles of the previous crop are not a problem, potato can be grown with minimum tillage without loss in yield.

Manures and Fertilizers: 20 tonnes of FYM or green manuring along with 75 kg of N, 25 kg of P and 25 kg of K per acre should be used. Application of paddy straw mulch 25q/acre saves 18 kg nitrogen. Drill all P and  K and half N at sowing and the remaining N at the time of earthing-up. 

Earthing-up: A double mould board plough or a ridger should be used for earthing up after 25-30 days of sowing.

1) Furrow Irrigation : The first irrigation 
should be given immediately after planting as it ensures better germination. The potato crop responds well to light and repeated irrigations. While applying irrigation avoid the over flooding of the ridges and the subsequent hardening of the soil surface which interferes with emergence, growth and development of tubers. The total number of irrigations will be 7-8. In light textures soils.
2) Drip Irrigation: Drip irrigation in potato results not only increase in yield but also saves 38% of water over conventional method of irrigation. Under this system, irrigation should be applied at two days interval. having dripper discharge of 2.2 liter per hour.

Harvesting: Suitable tractor operated digger has been developed and is available in the market. There should be optimum moisture in the soil at the time of harvest. The clods affect the efficient functioning of potato digger. Bullock drawn diggers can also be used. Keep the produce in the field after harvesting for 10-15 days.

Yield: 20 t/ha.

Grading: After harvesting the potato should be graded. Four grades may be made : 
(i) Small size (below 25 g weight) 
(ii) Medium size (25-50 g weight) 
(iii) Large size (50-75 g weight) 
(iv) Extra large size (above 75 g weight)


Malvaceous Crop


B.N: Abelmoschus esculentum
Family: Malvaceae
Chr. No.: 130
Origin: Egypt
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 89.6%
Pollination: Self & Often Cross Pollinated

Seed Rate:
  • Kharif 7-8kg/ha
  • Summer 18-22kg/ha
Optimum Temperature for Seed Germination: 29°c
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 25-27°c

Soil: okra can be grown on all types of soils, it grows best in light soils ranging from sandy loam to loam. 
P.H: 6.0-6.8

Sowing Time:
  • Spring season crop February-March
  • Rainy season crop June-July
Isolation Distance:
  • Foundation Seed- 200m
  • Certified Seed- 100m
Manures and Fertilizers: 15-20 tonnes of well rotten FYM should be incorporated into the soil before sowing. Apply 36 kg of N per acre on soils of average fertility. Apply half of the N at sowing and the rest as top-dressing after first picking of fruits.

Irrigation: Seed should be sown in proper soil moisture conditions. First irrigation should be given after 4-5 days of sowing. Further irrigations should be given after 10-12 days, during the rainy season less irrigations are required. Total 10-12 irrigations are required.

Harvesting:  The crop will be ready for harvest in about 45-50 days depending upon season and variety. Fruits should be picked tender (10 cm long). Frequent pickings would be required during peak season and 10-12 pickings are done.

Yield: 12 t/ha.

Life Cycle: Annual Vegetable


Pea And Beans

Pea (Garden Pea)

B.N: Pisum sativum
Family: Leguminoceae
Chr. No.: 14
Origin: Central Asia
Edible part: Tender Seed
Water Content in Fruit: 78.0%
Pollination: Self Pollinated

Seed Rate: 
  • Early 100-120kg/ha
  • Mid & Late 80-90kg/ha
Optimum temperature for Germination: 20-25°C.

Soil: It can be grown on all types of soils but well drained fertile loamy soils are best for the crop. 
P.H: 6.0 to 7.5.

Sowing Time: mid-October to mid-November 

Isolation Distance:
  • Foundation Seed- 50m
  • Certified Seed- 25

Manures and Fertilizers: Apply 8 tonnes of FYM, 20 kg of N and 25 kg P per acre before sowing.

Fertigation: apply 27 kg and 33 kg Mono Ammonium Phosphate per acre. The remaining amount of fertilizer should be applied in nine equal doses during the second month. Fertigation saves 20% fertilizer.

1. Furrow Irrigation: First irrigation should be given after 15 days of sowing. Next irrigation should be given at flowering and then at fruit set if necessary. Pea can be grown as rainfed crop with limited irrigations. The total number of irrigations required are 3-4 depending upon the soil type and weather conditions.
2. Drip irrigation: irrigation should be applied at an interval of 3 days. Do not apply irrigation before 15 days of sowing and before 10 days of harvesting of crop. The crop should be irrigated with one lateral pipe per bed having discharge of 2.2 liters per hour as per

Harvesting: Harvest the crop at the proper edible maturity and do not allow the pods to over mature which impairs its quality. Harvesting is to be completed in number of pickings depending upon the maturity group of peas.

Yield: 2.5-3t/ha



Common Name: Black eyed pea, Southern pea
B.N: Vigna ungiculata
Family: Leguminoceae
Chr. No.: 22
Origin: Africa
Edible part: Green seeds & Pods
Water Content in Fruit: 85.3%
Water Content in Leaves: 89.0%
Seed Rate: 20-25kg/ha
Optimum  Temperature for Seed Germination: 12-15°C
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 21-35°C.
Soil: It can be grown almost in all kinds of soils.

Sowing Time:
  • Spring season crop February  
  • Rainy season crop June-July.
Spacing: 45×15cm
Isolation Distance:
  • Foundation Seed- 50m
  • Certified Seed- 25
Manures and Fertilizers: Apply 20 kg of N 16 kg P and 10 kg of K  per acre at sowing.

Irrigation: Irrigate the crop at 4-5 days interval in summer months and 10-12 days interval in rainy season.

Harvesting: Marketable pods are available after 45-50 days of sowing. Tender pods are harvested for marketing. Frequent pickings should be done before the pods become fibrous or the seeds in the pods gain prominence.

Life Cycle: Annual Vegetable
Yield: 5-8t/ha


Dolichos Bean

Common Name: Indian Bean, Hycainth Bean
B.N: Lablab purpureus
Family: Leguminoceae
Chr. No.: 22
Origin: India
Edible Part: Pod


Cluster Bean

B.N: Cyamopsis tetragondoba
Family: Leguminoceae
Chr. No.: 14
Origin: India & West Africa
Edible part: Green pods & Stir-fried
Water Content in Fruit: 81.0%
Seed Rate: 25-30kg/ha
Yield: 3-4t/ha



B.N: Trigonnela foenu graceum
Family: Leguminoceae
Chr. No.: 16
Edible Part: Leaves
Water Content in Leaves: 86.1%
Isolation Distance:
  • Foundation Seed- 50m
  • Certified Seed- 25


Winged Bean

Common Name: Goa Bean, Four angled bean, Vegetable of 20th century
B.N: Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
Family: Leguminoceae
Chr. No.: 18
Origin: Africa
Edible Part: Pod, Seed
Water Content in Fruit: 92.0%

Isolation Distance:
  • Foundation Seed- 50m
  • Certified Seed- 25


Cucurbits Crops


B.N: Cucumis sativus
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 14
Origin: India
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 96.3%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 2.5-3.5kg/ha
Soil: well drained loamy soil
P.H: 6.0-7.0
Optimum Temperature for Seed Germination: 25°c
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 20-26.4°c

Sowing Time:
  • February March
  • September and January (for polynet house) 

Manure and Fertilizers: It requires 40 kg N,  20 kg P and 20 kg K. 

Irrigation: Sowing is done on the pre-irrigated furrows on top of the ridge on both sides of the beds, subsequently irrigation is applied second or third day of sowing The crop is irrigated at 4-6 days interval. Total no. of  should be 10-12.

Harvesting: Fruits are picked when tender and young when seeds inside the fruit are still soft. Fruits must be picked before change in colour from green to yellow.

Yield: 8-12t/ha


Long Melon ( Kakri)

B.N: Cucumis melo var. utillisimus
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 24
Origin: Tropical America
Edible part: Fruit
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 1.0 kg/acre.
Soil: Sandy loamy to heavy soil
P.H: 6.5-7.5
Optimum Temperature for Seed Germination: 25°c
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 20-26.4°c
Sowing Time: February March

Manure and Fertilizers: 40 kg N, 20 kg of P and 20 kg of K, Apply 1/3 N along with whole of P and K at the time of sowing and N is applied after one month of sowing

Irrigation: Irrigate immediately after sowing. the seeds on the beds Irrigation may be given at 4-5 days interval in summer season. In the rainy season apply irrigation whenever required

Harvesting: Long melon fruits are ready for picking in about 60-70 days.
Fruits should be picked when attain the marketable size and are tender. In peak season harvest the fruits at 3-4 days interval



Common Name: Butternut squash, Vegetable of immense value
B.N: Cucurbita moschata
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 40
Origin: Mexico, Peru
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 92.6%
Water Content in Leaves: 81.9%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 5-6kg/ha
Soil: well drained loamy soil
P.H: 6.0-7.0
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 20-25°c
Sowing Time: February-March

Manures and Fertilizers: 8-10 tones FYM before preparation of the beds. Add 20 kg of N  before sowing and 20 kg of N  As top dressing with in one month

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given immediately after sowing to facilitate seed germination. Subsequent irrigations should be given at 6-7 days interval. Total no. of irrigations should be 8-10.

Harvesting: The fruits are ready for harvesting when skin turns pale brown and flesh becomes golden-yellow. The immature fruits can be harvested for sale also.

Yield: 25-40t/ha


Bottle Gourd

B.N: Lagenaria siceraria
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 22
Origin: India & South Africa
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 96.1%
Water Content in Leaves: 87.9%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 3-4kg/ha
Soil: Sandy loam to Loamy soil ideal
P.H: 6.0-7.0
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 18-30°c

Sowing Time :
  • Mid. February - March
  • Early. June-July
  • November - December (Under protection) 
Manures and Fertilizers: 20-25 tonnes of FYM before preparation of beds. Add 14 kg N at sowing and another 14 kg N at first picking stage.

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given just after sowing. Crop requires frequent irrigations. Summer crops requires at 6-7 days interval. Total no. of irrigations should be 8-9.

Harvesting: The crop is ready for harvesting in about 60-70 days after sowing depending upon variety and season. Harvest only tender and medium sized fruits which are still tender and shining in colour. In peak season, picking should be done every 3 or 4 days.


Ridge Gourd

B.N: Luffa acutangula
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 26
Origin: Asia
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 95.2%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 3.5-5kg/ha


Bitter Gourd

Common Name: Bitter Cucumber, Balsam pear
B.N: Momordica charantia
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 22
Origin: Indo-Burma
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 92.4%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 4-5.5kg/ha
Soil: well drained loamy soil 
P.H: 6.0-7.0

Sowing Time:
  • Mid. February-March
  • Early. June-July 
Manures and Fertilizers: 10-15 tones FYM 10-15 days before sowing and also apply 40 kg of N, 20 kg of P and 20 kg of K

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given after sowing. During summer season irrigated 6-7 days interval, during rainy season only when needed. Total number of irrigations should be 8-9.

Harvesting: The crop will be ready for harvesting in about 55-60 days after sowing depending upon variety and season. The picking should be done at 2-3 days interval.

Yield: 10-15t/ha


Snake Gourd

B.N: Trichosanthus anguina
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 22
Origin: India
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 94.6%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated


Round Gourd

B.N: Citrullus lanatus var. fistulosus
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 22
Origin: Tropical Africa
Edible part: Fruit
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Soil: Well drained, fertile, sandy or loamy soil
P.H: 6.0-7.0
Seed Rate: 1-1.5kg/acres
Optimum Temperature for Seed Germination: 21-35°c
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 25-30°C at daytime and 18°C or more during night.

Sowing Time:
  • February-March
  • June-July 
Manure and Fertilizers: 40 kg N, 20 kg of P and 20 kg of K. Apply 1/3 N along with full dose of P and K at the time of sowing Apply  N during the early period of the growth.

Irrigation: The seeds are sown on the pre-irrigated furrows. Subsequent irrigation is applied on second or third day after sowing. During summer irrigate after 4-5 days. In rainy season irrigation is applied depending on intensity of rains

Harvesting: when the fruits attain flush and marketable size are harvested when still tender and hairy. The marketable fruits are ready for first picking after 54-60 days of sowing depending upon the variety. The later pickings should be done at 2-3 days interval


Pointed Gourd

B.N: Trichosanthus dioca
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 22
Origin: India
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 92%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated


Sponge Gourd

B.N: Luffa cylindrica
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 26
Origin: Assam
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 93.2%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 4kg/ha
Soil: It can be grown in all types of soils, but sandy loam soil is ideal for its cultivation.
P.H: 6.0-7.0

Sowing Time:
  • Mid February to March
  • Early May to July
Manures and Fertilizers: Apply 40 kg of N, 20 kg of P, and 20 kg of K

Irrigation: The first irrigation should be given just after seed sowing. During summer season irrigate at 7-10 days interval. Total number of irrigations should be 7-8.

Harvesting: The crop is ready for harvest in about 70-80 days after sowing. The picking should be done at an interval of 3-4 days. Harvest only tender and medium sized fruits.



Ash Gourd ( Wax gourd)

Common Name: White gourd, Wax gourd
B.N: Benincasa hispida
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 24
Origin: Japan, Java
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 96.5%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 3.5-4kg/ha
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 22-35°c

Soil: it can be grown in all types of soils, but sandy loam soil is ideal for its growth. 
P.H: 6.5-7.5.

Sowing Time:
  • February-March
  • June-July 
Manures and Fertilizers: 8-10 tones of FYM and 40 kg of N, 20 kg of P and 20 kg of K per acre. Apply FYM, 1/2 N and whole of P and K in a band before preparation of beds. Apply rest 1/2 N at flowering stage.

Irrigation: Irrigate the crop at 7-10 days interval.

Harvesting: The fruits are ready for picking after 120-150 days of sowing

Yield: 25-30t/ha


Water Melon

B.N: Citrullus lanatus
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 22
Origin: Tropical Africa
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 92.6%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 3.5-5kg/ha
Soil: well drained loamy soil
P.H: 6.0-7.0
Optimum Temperature for Seed Germination: 18-25°c
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 25-27°c

Sowing Time:
  • Mid- January to March
  • November to December (Under protection)
Manures and Fertilizers: 8-10 tones of FYM along with 25 kg of N, 16 kg of P, and 15 kg of K. 

Irrigation: During initial stages of growth irrigate weekly. Later the irrigation should be given at 9-13 days interval. Total no. of irrigations should be 7 to 9.

Harvesting: harvest 95-120 days after seed sowing. The fruits should be harvested when fully developed & mature Signs of maturity are drying of tendrils, change in colour of ground spots to yellow and thumping of matured fruits give dull sound.


Musk Melon

Common Name: Wholesome food
B.N: Cucumis melo
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Chr. No.: 24
Origin: Tropical Africa
Edible part: Fruit
Water Content in Fruit: 95.2%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Sowing Time: February
Seed Rate: 3-7kg/ha
Optimum Temperature for Seed Germination: 27-30°c
Soil: well drained loamy soil
P.H: 6.0-7.0
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth : 25-27°c

Manures and Fertilizers: 10 to 15 tones of FYM. FYM should be added 10-15 days before sowing, 50 kg of N. 25 kg of P, and 25 kg of K. 

Irrigation: During summer, irrigate the crop every week. Irrigate the fields 9-11 times.

Harvesting: should be picked at mature green stage for distant marketing and at half slip' stage for local market & other harvested when it turns yellow. 


Cole Crops


B.N: Brassica oleracea var. capitata
Family: Cruciferae
Chr. No.: 18
Origin: Mediterranean region
Edible Part: Head
Water Content in Fruit: 92.4%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 375-500g/ha
Sowing Time: September to October
Transplanting Age: 4-5 weeks
Spacing: 45 x 45 cm and 67.5 x 45 cm

Soil: It can be grown almost on all types of soils, Sandy loam soil is best.

Golden Acre- released by IARI, Pusa Mukta- early variety released by IARI, Pride of India, Pusa Drum Head- released by IARI, Late Large Drum Head, September, Pusa Ageti
BSS 50(Bajrang), BSS 32(Swarna), BSS 44, BSS 115(Sudha),Sri Ganesh Gol, Nath Laxmi 401

Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 18-25°c

Manures and Fertilizers: 40 tonnes of FYM, with 50 kg of N, 25 kg of P and 25 kg of K  per acre is the optimum fertilizer dose for all these varieties. Apply whole of farmyard manure, P and K and half N before transplanting and the remaining half of N as top-dressing four weeks after transplanting.

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given immediately after transplanting. The subsequent irrigations should be given at 10-15 day intervals. The total number of irrigations required are 8-12.

Harvesting: Harvesting should be done as soon as heads reach marketable size and become hard. The heads should be properly packed and sent to market after cutting stumps.
Life Cycle: Biennial Vegetable



B.N: Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Family: Cruciferae
Chr. No.: 18
Origin: Mediteranean region
Edible Part: Curd
Water Content in Fruit: 91%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated

Seed Rate: 
  • Early 500-600g/ha
  • Mid 350-400g/ha
Early varieties: Early Kunwari, Pusa early Synthetic, Pusa Deepali, Pant Gobhi 2, Pant Gobhi 3
Mid-early: Pant Gobhi 4, Pusa Hybrid 2, Pusa Sharad
Mid-late: Pusa Synthetic, Pant Shubhra 
 Late: Pusa Snowball 1, Pusa Snowball K1, Ooty 1, Pusa Giant 35 

Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 18-25°c
Soil: sandy loam to clay
P.H: 6.0 to 7.0%

Sowing Time: 
  • Main season varieties August to mid-September 
  • Late season varieties October to first week of November
  • For main-season crop 45 x 45 cm
  • For early and late-season crops 45x30 cm.
Transplanting Age: 3-4 weeks

Manures and Fertilizers: 40 tonnes of FYM, with 50 kg of N, 25 kg of P and 25 kg of K  per acre is the optimum fertilizer dose for all these varieties. Apply whole of farmyard manure, P and K and half N before transplanting and the remaining half of N as top-dressing four weeks after transplanting.

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given just after transplanting. Subsequent irrigations can be given at an interval of 7-8 days during summer and 10-15 days during winter depending upon soil type and weather. The total number of irrigations required are 8-12.

Harvesting: The curds should be harvested at the marketable stage. Delay in harvesting causes loosening of the curd. The curds should be sent to markets in baskets after proper grading and packing.

Life Cycle: Biennial Vegetable
  • Early 12-15t/ha
  • Mid 20-30t/ha


Sprouting Broccoli

B.N: Brassica oleracea var. italica
Family: Cruciferae
Chr. No.: 18
Origin: Mediterranean region
Edible Part: Flower bud
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 400-500g/ha
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 17-23°C. 

Soil: Having adequate soil moisture and possess good drainage. 

Sowing Time: mid August to mid September.
Transplanting Age: 3-4 weeks
Spacing: 45x45 cm

Manures and Fertilizers: Apply 40 tones of FYM with 50 kg of N, 25 kg of P and 25 kg of K per acre. Apply whole of FYM, P and K and half N before transplanting and remaining half N as top dressing one month after transplanting.

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given just after transplanting. Subsequent irrigations can be given at an interval of 7-8 days during summer and 10-15 days during winter depending upon soil type and weather. The total number of irrigations required are 8-12.

Harvesting:  As soon as sprouts are of marketable size they should be harvested. They should be marketed as soon as possible because they cannot be stored for a long time. After harvesting the central sprout, axillary sprouts become ready for harvest again in about 10-12 days.

Yield: 10-15t/ha



B.N: Brassica caulorapa
Family: Cruciferae
Chr. No.: 18
Origin: Mediterranean region
Edible Part: Knob
Water Content in Fruit: 90.3%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 1-1.5kg/ha
Yield: 12-30t/ha


Brussels sprout

B.N: Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera
Family: Cruciferae
Chr. No.: 18
Edible Part: Head
Water Content in Fruit: 85.2%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 500g/ha
Nursery bed size: 60-80mbed for planting of 1 ha area
Soil: This crop can be grown in both light as well as in heavy soil. The sandy loam soil are preferred for early and clay loam for main season crops.
P.H: 6.0-6.5 Produces higher yield.
Transplanting Age: 6-8 weeks
Yield: 10-16t/ha


Root Crops


B.N: Daucus carota
Family: Umbeliferae
Chr. No.: 18
Origin: Afghanistan
Edible Part: Root
Water Content in Fruit: 82.2%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 5-6kg/ha
Optimum Temperature for Seed Germination: 7.2-23.9°C 
Optimum Temperature for Crop: 18-25°c

Soil: Carrot needs a deep, loose loamy soil for best root development.
P.H: 6.5
Sowing Time: August-September 

Manures and Fertilizers: Apply 15 tonnes of FYM, 25 kg of N, 12 kg of P and 30 kg of K per acre. Always apply well rotten FYM.

Weeding and Earthing up: One weeding followed by earthing up about 4-5 weeks after sowing should be done.

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given immediately after sowing of seed and total of 3-4 irrigation are required. 
Harvesting: Carrots are ready for harvesting in about 90-100 days after sowing depending upon the variety. Carrots can be harvested when roots have developed marketable size and attractive deep red/orange/black colour. In large scale, harvesting can be done by tractor operated machine.

Life Cycle: Biennial Vegetable



B.N: Raphanus sativus
Family: Cruciferae
Chr. No.: 18
Origin: Europe
Edible Part: Root & Leaves
Water Content in Fruit: 94.4%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 9-12kg/ha
Temperature Requirement: 18-25°c
Sowing Time: Throughout the year

Soil: Radish can be grown on all types of soil but a sandy loam, friable soil is considered best
P.H: 5.5-6.8%

Manures and Fertilizers: 15 tonnes of FYM, 
25 kg of N and 12 kg of P per acre is the common fertilizer dose. Apply all fertilizers at sowing and always apply well rotten FYM.

Weeding and Earthing up: In radish one weeding about 2-3 weeks after sowing is sufficient. Weeding is immediately followed by earthing up where roots have tendency to protrude above soil surface. 

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given immediately after sowing of seed. Subsequent irrigations should be given at 6-7 days interval during summer and 10-12 days during winter.

Harvesting: radish are harvested when roots are tender. early season variety attains marketable maturity 45 days after sowing. Other varieties of radish are ready for harvest in about 45-60 days depending upon variety and season.

Life Cycle: Biennial Vegetable
Yield: 15-20t/ha



B.N: Brassica rapa
Family: Cruciferae
Chr. No.: 20
Origin: India, China
Edible Part: Root
Water Content in Root: 91.6%
Water Content in Green: 81.9% 
Seed Rate: 3-4kg/ha
Sowing Time: September
Transplanting: In first week of December

Soil: turnip can be grown on all types of soil but a sandy loam, friable soil is considered best
P.H: 5.5-6.8%

Manures and Fertilizers: 15 tones of FYM, 
25 kg of N and 12 kg of P per acre is the common fertilizer dose. Apply all fertilizers at sowing and always apply well rotten FYM.

Weeding and Earthing up: In turnip one weeding about 2-3 weeks after sowing is sufficient. Weeding is immediately followed by earthing up where roots have tendency to protrude above soil surface. 

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given immediately after sowing of seed. Subsequent irrigations should be given at 6-7 days interval during summer and 10-12 days during winter.

Harvesting: turnip are harvested when roots are tender. early season variety attains marketable maturity 45 days after sowing. Other varieties of turnip are ready for harvest in about 45-60 days depending upon variety and season.

Yield: 20-25t/ha


Beet Root

B.N: Beta vulgaris
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Chr. No.: 18
Origin: Mediterranean region
Edible Part: Root
Seed Rate: 7.5-8kg/ha
Yield: 25-30t/ha


Leafy And Salad Vegetables

Spinach/Vilayati Palak

B.N: Spinacea oleracea
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Chr. No.: 12
Origin: Iran
Edible Part: Leaves
Water Content in Leaves: 90.7%
Seed Rate: 37-45kg/ha
Yield: 8-10t/ha


Palak/Spinach Beet

Common Name: Swiss chord, Garden beet, Beetleaf
B.N: Beta vulgaris var. bengalensis
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Chr. No.: 18
Origin: Indo-china
Edible Part: Leaves
Water Content in Leaves: 86.4%
Seed Rate: 
  • Winter crop 8-10 kg/ha
  • Summer crop 16-20 kg/ha

Soil: it can be grown almost on all soils 
but sandy loam is the best.
P.H: 7.0%

Sowing Time: It is a winter season crop but can be grown throughout the year. 
  • Winter crop sown in September-October
  • Spring/Summer crop from mid-February to April. 
Manures and Fertilizers: Apply 10 tones of FYM along with 35 kg of N and 12 kg of P per acre to harvest a good crop. Apply whole of FYM, P and half N before sowing and the remaining half N may be applied in two splits after each cutting followed by irrigation.

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given immediately after sowing. Subsequent irrigations should be given at an interval of 4-6 days during summer and 10-12 days during winter.

Harvesting: The crop will be ready for harvest in about 3-4 weeks after sowing. Subsequent cutting should be done at an interval of 20 to 25 days depending upon the variety and season. During summer only one harvesting should be taken.



B.N: Coriandrum sativum
Family: Umbeliferae
Chr. No.: 22
Edible Part: Leaves
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Soil: Well-drained sandy loam to loamy soils
Seed Rate: 16-20kg/ha

Sowing Time:  
  • For green leaves is first week of October  
  • For seed last week of October to the first week of November.
Irrigation: Give four or five irrigations depending upon the soil and rainfall. The first irrigation may be given about 3 weeks 
after sowing. Subsequent irrigations may be given as and when required taking care that there is no moisture stress, particularly at flowering and seed development stages.

Manures and Fertilizers: Apply 40 kg N in three split dozes, one third at sowing and remaining in two equal splits after first and second cutting of green leaves. However, for seed crop apply 30 kg N per acre in two splits, half at sowing and the remaining half at flower initiation. 

Harvesting, Threshing and Marketing: The green leaves are harvested on attaining 20-25 cm height. 
Therefore, 3-4 cuttings can be taken of green leaves. The crop is ready for harvest seed by the end of April. Harvest when the capsules are mature but green. The green coloured fetch a price premium over the brown coloured over-ripe capsules. Remove the harvested produce to a pucca threshing floor, allow it to dry and then thresh. Dry the capsules fully before storage. 



B.N: Apium graveolens
Family: Umbeliferae
Chr. No.: 22
Edible Part: Leaves
Water Content in Leaves: 94.1%
Transplanting Age: 6-8 weeks


Bulb Crops


B.N: Allium cepa
Family: Alliaceae
Chr. No.: 16
Origin: Central Asia
Edible Part: Bulb
Water Content in Bulb: 86.6%
Water Content in Stalk: 87.6%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated

Seed Rate: 
  • Kharif 12-15kg/ha
  • Rabi 10-12kg/ha
Optimum Temperature for Crop Growth: 20-25°c

Soil: The soil for onion cultivation should be rich in organic matter, free from diseases, weeds and should be well drained.

Transplanting Age: 6-8 weeks

Sowing Time:  
  • Kharif season- June
  • Rabi season- October to November 
Transplanting: Ready for transplanting after 6 to 8 weeks of sowing. 
  • Kharif season- July to August
  • Rabi season- December to January
Manures and Fertilizers: Add 20 tonnes of FYM with 40 kg of N, 20 kg of P  and 20 kg of K per acre. Apply whole FYM, P and K and half N before transplanting and remaining dose of N after 4-6 weeks of transplanting.

1. Furrow Irrigation: Irrigate immediately after transplanting. Depending upon the soil and weather conditions irrigate the crop at 7-10 day intervals. Stop watering at least a fortnight before harvesting to prolong storage life of bulbs. The total number of irrigations would be 10-15.
2. Drip Irrigation: Drip irrigation in onion results not only increase in yield but also save 43.88% of water. The onion crop should be irrigated with two lateral pipes per bed having drippers spaced at 30 cm and discharge of 2.2 liters per hour. irrigation should be applied at an interval of two days.

Harvesting and Storage: 
Harvest onion when tops dry up and fall. After harvesting cure the bulbs under shade and then cut the leaves 1-2 cm above the bulb. Store in a well ventilated and dry place. Turn the bulbs once in a fortnight during storage and sort out and discard injured ones.

Life Cycle: Biennial Vegetable



B.N: Allium sativum
Family: Alliaceae
Chr. No.: 16
Origin: Central Asia
Edible Part: Cloves
Water Content in Clove: 62%
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Seed Rate: 500kg/ha
Optimum  Temperature for Crop Growth: 20-25°c
Soil: Sandy loam and silt loam soils are best suited for garlic.
Sowing Time: Last week of September to first week of October.

Manures and Fertilizers: 20 tonnes of FYM/ compost/acre may be applied about 10 days before sowing. In addition, apply 50 kg N and 25 kg P. Whole P should be applied before sowing. Apply N in three equal splits, 30, 45 and 60 days after sowing.

Irrigation: First irrigation should be given immediately after planting. Subsequent irrigations should be given at 10-15 days 
interval depending upon soil type and weather conditions. The total number of irrigations required are 10-12.

Harvesting and Storage: At maturity the tops dry. Stop irrigation at least a fortnight 
before harvesting to prolong storage life of bulbs. After harvesting cure the plants in a dry and shady place, for 5 to 7 days. Tie in 
small bundles and store in a well ventilated dry place. Sort out bulbs with dried cloves during storage.

Life Cycle: Perennial Vegetable
Yield: 10-20t/ha


Moringaceous Crop

Drum Stick

Common Name: Mullakkai, Muringa, Murrurgi, Ganigana, Sahijan, Horse raddish tree
B.N: Moringa oleifera
Family: Moringaceae
Chr. No.: 28
Origin: India, Africa
Edible Part: Green Pods
Water Content in Green Pod: 86.9%
Water Content in Leaves: 75.9%
Seed Rate: 500g/ha
Yield: 52t/ha



B.N: Allium porum
Family: Alliaceae
Chr. No.: 32
Origin: Central Asia
Edible Part: Stem & Leaves
Water Content: 78.9%



B.N: Asparagus officinalis
Family: Lilliaceae
Chr. No.: 20
Origin: Europe, Asia
Edible Part: Spears ( young shoots)


Tropical Tuber Crops

Cassava Or Tapioca

B.N: Manihot esculanta
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Chr. No.: 36
Origin: Brazil
Edible Part: Tuberous Root
Water Content in Tuberous Root: 59.4%


Sweet Potato

B.N: Ipomoea batatas
Family: Convolvulaceae
Chr. No.: 90
Origin: South America
Edible Part: Tuber
Water Content in Tuber: 70.6% 
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Temperature Requirement: 25-27°c
Seed Rate: 60,000-65,000/ha. cuttings 
of vines are sufficient 

Soil: Sweet potato can be grown on a wide range of soils but loamy sand soils are in variably regarded as suitable for 
sweet potato. 
P.H: 5.8 - 6.7.

Land Preparation: The land should be well prepared and of good tilth for sowing sweet potato. The field should be ploughed 
3-4 times followed by plankings. The field should be free from weeds.

Manures and Fertilizers: Apply 10 tonnes of FYM with 30 Kg N 25 Kg P and 20 Kg K per 

Earthing up: Earthing up should be done after 40 days of planting.

Irrigation: Irrigation may be given at 14 days interval.

Life Cycle: Perennial Vegetable


Elephant Foot Yam

B.N: Amorphophyllus campanulatus
Family: Araceae
Chr. No.: 26
Edible Part: Corms
Water Content in Corm: 78.7% 

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