Sunday, May 10, 2020

Tropical Crops, Their identification and Other information


Common Name: Bathroom fruit, King of fruit
Botanical Name: Mangifera indica
Family: Anacardiaceae
Chromosome No. 40
Origin: Indo-Burma.

Max Area under Mango- U.P, Production- A.P,  Productivity- A.P.

Largest Production in the World: India.
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical

Indian Mango Varieties By State

1) Alphonso- grown in Maharashtra, Exporting type, Susceptible to spongy tissue.
2) Chausa- grown in U.P, Extremely sweet in taste.
3) Langra- grown in U.P, very sweet pulp, used for table purpose.
4) Dashehari- grown in U.P, susceptible to Mango malformation.
5) Banganapalli- grown in A.P, good for canning.

1) Mallika- Neelam×Deshehari
2) Amrapalli- Dashehari×Neelum
3) Ratna- Neelum×Alphanso
4) Sindhu- Ratna×Alphanso

Type of Inflorescence: Panicle
Type of Fruit: Modified Berry- Drupe (Stone).
Edible Part: Mesocarp
Type of embryony: Polyembryony type of Fruit.
Bearing Habit: Regular & Alternate Bearing habit according to varieties.
Rate of Respiration: Climacteric (Ripe after the harvesting).
Relative Salt Tolerance: Highly Sensitive.
Pollination: Cross Pollinated.
Propagation Method: Seed & Veneer grafting.
Spacing: 10×10 m.

Planting Season
1) July-August for Rainfed areas
2) February-March for Irrigated areas

Optimum Temperature for Growth: 24-30°c
Pollinators : Insect (Entomophilous)- House Fly.

Training & Pruning: Mango trees do not require frequent pruning. However, the training of the plants in the initial stage is very essential to give them proper shape. Subsequently pruning is done only to remove the disease and dead branches.

Harvesting: Mango tree start fruiting 6 years after the planting. Grafted plants start bearing early. The fruits harvested early in the season at a premature stage.



Botanical Name: Musa paradisiaca
Family: Musaceae
Chromosome No. 22, 33, 44
Origin: S.E. Asia
Max Area under Banana- Tamil Nadu, Production- Gujarat.
Largest Production in the World: India
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical

1) Basrai- leading commercial Variety of Maharashtra.
2) Dwarf Cavendish & Nendran are popular for table & processing purpose.
Other variety- Robusta, Monthan, Poovan, Red banana, Safed velchi, Grand Maine, Karpurvalli

Type of Inflorescence: 
Type of Fruit: Berry type
Available Nutrient: Vit-A
Type of Parthenocarpy: Vegetative Parthenocarpy

Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Propagation Method: Sword sucker
Spacing: 1.5×1.5m, 2.1×2.1m.
Planting Season: May-June (or) September-October

Harvesting: Bananas are harvested raw ripened artificially. Dwarf- harvest 11 to 14 months after planting, Tall- harvest 14 to 16 months after planting.
Yield: 40 to 70t/ha.



Botanical Name: Carica papaya
Family: Caricaceae
Chromosome No.- 18
Origin: Mexico
Max Area and Production- Andhra Pradesh
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical

A) Gynodioecious Var- Coorg honey dew, Pusa delicious, Pusa majesty, Taiwan, Solo, Solo sunrise, CO.3, CO.7
B) Dioecious Var- Pusa giant, Pusa nanha, Pusa dwarf, CO.2, CO.4, CO.5, CO.6, CO.8

Type of Fruit: Berry type.
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Propagation Method: Seed
Seed Rate: 250 to 300g/ha.
Spacing: 1.25×1.25m. (6000 plants/ha) & 1.8×1.8m. (3086 plants/ha).

Planting Season: Monsoon- (June to July) & Autumn- (October to November) & Spring- (February to March).

Optimum Temperature for Growth: 25-30°c.
P.H: 6.5-7%.

Harvesting: Papaya fruits ready 9-10 months after planting.
Yield: 75-100t/ha.



Botanical Name: Psidium guajava
Family: Myrtaceae
Chromosome No.- 22
Origin: Tropical America (Peru)
Max Area & Production- U.P
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical & Sub-tropical

Varieties: Allahabad safeda, Banarasi, Sardar, Red fleshed, Arka mridula, Apple colour, Chittidar

Edible Part: Thalamus & Pericarp
Pollination: Self Pollinated

Propagation Method: Air layering, Stooling, Inarching, Grafting, Budding & Wedge grafting.

Spacing: 5×5m, 6×6m (278-400 plants/ha).
P.H: 5.5-7.5%.
Planting Season: June to July

Training and Pruning: Open center system and Bending practice adopted, Pruning is usually recommend after harvesting or in spring.

Harvesting: 4 to 5 months after flowering.
Yield: 100-150kg.


Custard Apple

Botanical Name: Annona squamosa
Family: Annonaceae
Chromosome No.- 14
Origin: Tropical America
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical

Balanagar, Barbados seedling, Washington, British guinea, Mahaboobnagar
Hybrid- Arka sahan, African pride.

Type of Fruit: Aggregate fruit
Edible Part: Pericarp
Propagation Method: By Seed, T-budding
Spacing: 4.5×4.5m.
Harvesting: Aug-Oct, Sept-Nov
Yield: 7.0 t/hec.



Botanical Name: Achrus zapota
Family: Sapotaceae
Chromosome No.-
Origin: Mexico
Max Area & Production: Maharashtra
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical

1. Kallipatti- Popular in Maharashtra
2. Murrabba- Popular in Maharashtra
3. Cricket boll- Famous in Andhra Pradesh
4. Kirti bharti- Popular in Andhra Pradesh
5. CO-2,   6. PKM-1,    7. Chhatri,      8. Pala,     9. Pilli patti,       10. Bangalore
CO-1, CO-3, PKM-2, PKM-3, DSH-1, DHS-2

Type of Fruit:
Edible Part:
Type of Pollination:

Propagation Method: Air layering, Gootee layering, Grafting and Budding.
Spacing: 10×10m Square system (100plants/ha). HDP- 5×5m

P.H: 6.0-7.0%.
Planting Season: September
Optimum Temperature for Growth: 10-38°c

Training: Central Leader system.
Pruning: to expose the tree to sunlight and to remove the dead and diseased branches. It is mainly done to regulate vegetative growth in order to improve the productivity and quality of fruits.

Harvesting: 4-5 months after flowering
Yield: 4-6 t/acre.



Common Name- Kalpavriksha
B.N: Cocus nucifera
Family: Arecaceae
Origin- South East Asia
Chromosome No.- 32

Max Area & Production: Kerala
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical
Type of Fruit: Single seeded Drupe.
Edible part: Endosperm

A) Tall: West coast tall, Laccadive ordinary, East West tall, Pratap
B) Dwarf: Choughat green dwarf, Choughat orange dwarf, Gangabondam,Coco Nino

Pollination: Self Pollinated
Propagation Method: Seed
Spacing: 7.5×7.5m, HDP-6.5m.

Harvesting: Coconut ripens in 12-13 months from the opening of the inflorescence.
Yield: 80-100 nuts/palm/year.
7608 nuts/ha.


Cashew Nut

Botanical Name: Anacardium occidentale
Family: Anacardiaceae
Chromosome No.-  42
Origin: Brazil 
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical

1. Maharashtra- Vengurla-1 to 7.
2. Karnataka- Ullal-1, Ullal-2, Ullal-3, UN-50
Tamilnadu- VRT-1 to 3
3. Andhra Pradesh- BPP

Type of Fruit: Nut
Edible Part: Cotyledon
Pollination: Cross Pollinated
Propagation Method: Softwood grafting

Planting Season:
P.H: 8.0%.
Pruning: August-September



Botanical Name: Ananas comosus
Family: Bromeliaceae
Chromosome No.- 50
Origin: Brazil
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical & Sub-tropical

Varieties: Kew, Giant Kew, Queen, Jaldhup & Lakhat, Charlotte rothchild

Type of Fruit: Sorosis
Edible Part: Bracts/Perianth
Propagation Method: Slips & Sucker

Spacing: 22.5×60×75cm (63,400 plants/ha), 25×60×90cm (53,300 plants/ha).

Planting Season: April-June
Optimum Temperature for Growth: 22-32°c
Harvesting: May-August



Botanical Name: Artocarpus hetrophyllus
Family: Moraceae
Chromosome No.- 56
Origin: India
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical

Varieties: Gulabi, Champa, Monkey jack, Rudrakshi jack, Hazari, Muttam varikka, Singapore or Ceylon jack

Type of Fruit: Sorosis
Edible Part: Bracts/Perianth
Propagation Method: Seed, Inarch grafting
Planting Season:
Harvesting: 40-50t/hec



Botanical Name: Averrhoea carambola
Family: Oxalidaceae
Chromosome No.- 24
Origin: Indo-Malaya
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical
Propagation Method: By Seed
Planting Season:



Botanical Name: Diospyrus kaki
Family: Ebenaceae
Chromosome No.- 90
Origin: China
Climatic Adaptability: Tropical

A) Non Astringent- Fuyu, Jiro, 20th century, Mastumoto
B) Astringent- Triumph, Nightingale, Hachiya, Hiratanenashi

Edible Part: Mesocarp and Epicarp
Bearing Habit: Alternate bearing habit

Propagation Method: Crown grafting
Spacing: 6×6m
Planting Season: Jan-Feb

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