Friday, May 8, 2020

Floriculture Plants Identification & Their Cultivation Information


Common Know:- King of flower.
Botanical Name:- Dahlia variabilis
Family:- Asteraceae
Origin:- Mexico

Varieties:- Glory of India, Nearest blue, Prime minister, Normal Chandra.

Soil:- well drained fertile soil having P.H-6.5.

Temperature:- 18-21°c for germination. temperature required during winter 10-21°c, during summer 15.6-26.7°c and ideal temperature for night 16°c & day time 25°c.

Propagation:- seed, stem cutting, tuber's.
Planting Season:- in month of September to November.

Spacing:- For Tall variety- 75cm, Medium variety- 60cm, Dwarf variety- 30cm or 45cm.

Harvesting:- flower cut with help of secateurs and harvesting at early in the morning.

Yield:- 15-30 flower per plant for loos flower.



Commonly known:- Queen of Flower.
Botanical Name:- Rosa spp.
Family:- Rosaceae
Origin:- India

1) Hybrid Tea- Superstar, First price, Poornima, Gladiator, Papa Milan
2) Floribunda- Red gold, Play boy, Banjaran, Sea peurl, Kumkum, Mohini
3) Miniature- Baby gold star, Delhi starlet, Gaurav-, Chandrika
4) Polyanther:- Snow princes, May bundle, Rashmi, Prits, Anjali
5) Climbers:- Royal gold, Climbing matungi
6) Ramblers:- American pillar exceusa, Clorathee.

Temperature:- 15.5°c for sunny days- 25-30°c in day time and 15-18°c in night.

Propagation:- by rooted cutting, 'T' or shield budding and inarch grafting.

Planting Season:- July is best month for cutting, Oct to November for budding.

Hybrid Tea- 75×90cm
Floribunda- 60×90cm
Miniature- 30×60cm
Climbers- 90×120cm

Irrigation:- irrigation done once in 2days.

Special Practices:-
1) Bending- the mother shoot is bend nearer to the crow region. The roots come from the base of bedding and after cutting from mother plant this cut grows as a separate plant.
2) Pruning- All the weak, diseased, criss-crossing and unproductive shoots are removed. The cut ends should be protected with Bordeaux.
3) Defoliation- The removal of leaves is know as defoliation. It is done mainly to induce flower or reduce transportation loss during stress period. Defoliation done by removal of leaves manually.

Harvesting:- for long distance market tight bud stage and local market 1-2 petals in curl. For essential oil extraction fully open flowere are harvested.

Yield:- open field- it starts from second year 30-40 flower's per plant and 2nd year 60-80 flower's.



Common Name:- Queen of East
Botanical Name:- Dendranthemum grandiflora (or) Chrysanthemump spp.
Family:- Asteraceae

Varieties:- Arka swarna, Arka ganga, Chandrika, Kirti, Indra, Arka pink star, Neelima, Punjab gold, Little darling.

Temperature Requirement:- 10-27°c 
Relative Humidity:- 70-85%
CO2 Requirement:- 600-900ppm

Propagation:- Sucker's and Tip shoot cutting.

Soil:- Well drained sandy loam soil with good texture and aeration or growing medium made of 1: 1: 2 of soil, compost and cocopeat with pH of 5.5 to 6.5.

Spacing:- 30×30cm for large variety, 30×20cm for small Variety.

Irrigation:- Drip irrigation with 8-9 litter of water/m2/day.

Special practices:-
1) Pinching- First pinching - 3 weeks after planting, 2nd pinching - 5 weeks after planting.
2) Disbudding- In spray varieties, only the large apical bud is removed and the lateral buds are retained. In standard varieties, the lateral buds are removed and only apical buds are allowed to develop.
3) Blindness- It occurs when the night temperature is too low and the days are short at the time when flower buds are forming. A rosetted type of growth is indicative of this difficulty. 

Harvesting:- After 3 to 5 months of planting. Flower will be harvested standard type. top most flower fully developed and then fine cut.

Yield:- 7 to 13 tons/ha.



Botanical Name:- Jasminum sambac
Family:- Oleraceae

Varieties:- Arka, Aaradhana, Matiya, Madan ban, Gundumalli, Very pakshi Bela.

Propagation:- by cutting particularly semi hard wood cutting special ground layering.

Planting Season:- Mansion.
Spacing:- 1.2×1.2m.
Soil:- Well drained loamy or red loamy fertile soil.

Irrigation:- Irrigation should be given immediately after planting followed by weekly irrigation depending upon weather conditions.

Special Practices:-
Pruning- The bushes are pruned to 50 cm height from the ground level during last week of November.

Harvesting:- for veni purpose unopened fully developed buds are harvested early in the morning and for essential oil extraction. Fully open flowere pick up early in the morning.

Yield:- 800-10,000kg flower/ha or 2063-8129kg/ ha.



Botanical Name:- Jasminum pubescens (or) Jasminum multiflorum
Family:- Oleraceae
Varieties:- Kakda, CO1, CO2, Parimullai.

Propagation:- by cutting and perticularly semi hard wood cutting specially ground layering.

Planting season:- June to November
Spacing:- 1.8-1.8m

Special Practices:-
Pruning- the bushes are pruned to 45 cm height from ground level during the last week of January

Yield:- 2500-3000kg/ha.



Common Name:-
Borbeten daisy, African daisy, Transaval deisy.
Botanical Name:- Gerbera jamesonii
Family:- Asteraceae

Varieties:- Valentine, Sunset, Fielmingo, Rodis, Rasalin, Sangarid, Arka krushika.

Temperature Requirement:- Day time- 22-25°c, night time- 12-16°c.

Relative Humidity:- 70-75%.

Propagation:- single Variety can be sown by seed and division of climb.

Soil:- Well drained, rich, light, neutral or slightly alkaline soil with pH 5.5 - 7.0.

Planting Season:- Throughout the year.
Spacing:- 30×30cm and 30×40cm

Irrigation:- Drip irrigation is done once in 2 – 3 days. 3.75 liter/drip/plant for 15 – 20 minutes. Average water requirement is about 500 – 700 ml/day/plant.

Harvesting:- 1st flower will produce 2-8 weeks after plantation. harvesting stage when two rows of disflorated are fully expanded and perpendicular to stock. harvesting should be done by twisting.

Yield:- 1 year after pruning done.
175-200 flower per meter per year



Common Name:- Sward lily
Botanical Name:- Gladiolus tristis
Family:- Iridiaceae

Varieties:- White friendship, Pusa sarang, Pusa shubham, Arka gold, Kumkum, Aarti, Aapsara, Punam, Shobha, Agni rekha, Mayur, Kamini, Sadabahar, Arun.

Soil:- Well drained sandy loam soil rich in organic matter with pH of 6 to 7.

Temperature Requirement:- 27-30°c.
Propagation:- Corn.

Planting Season:- September to October for plains and March-April for hills.

Planting System:- Ridges and furrow system is adopted.
Spacing:- 30×20cm.

Irrigation:- Irrigate at 7-10 day intervals in sandy soils and at less frequent intervals in heavy soils. Irrigation should be withheld at least 4-6 weeks before lifting of corms.

1) Spike- Flowering start's after 80-90 days in early Variety and 100-120 days in late Variety.
2) Local Market- When florate are open cut with sharp knife.
3) Distant Market:- When lower most florate it will show its colour.

Harvesting of Corm:- After drying of leaves digout and allow to dry in open air situation for a week.

Spike Yield:- 2-3 lack spike/ha.
Corm Yield:- 20,000 corms/ha.



Botanical Name:- Lillium michiganense
Family:- Liliaceae

Varieties:- Dreamland (yellow), Brunello (orange), Novona (white), Pollyanna (yellow), Vivaldi (pink), Black out (deep red).

Temperature Requirement:- Day time- 18-22°c, night time- 10° to 15°c.

Relative Humidity:- 80 to 85%.
Co2 Requirement:- 800 to 1000ppm.
Soil:- Well drained soil with pH 5.5 to 6.5 is ideal.

Propagation:- Bulb.
Spacing:- 20×15cm, 15×15cm or 15×10cm.

Irrigation:- 6-8 litter/m2/day during summer and 5-6 litter/m2/day during winter.

Harvesting:- when lower most flowere bud show colour but not open. Harvesting done with help of secateur and sharp knife at cutting stage.

Yield:- 1 to 1.25 lack spike/ha.
Bulb Yield:- 1.25 to 1.50 lack bulb/ha



Common Name:- Blanket flower
Botanical Name:- Gaillardia purchella (or) Gaillardia oristater
Family:- Asteraceae

1) Single Flower Var- India chief, Doseller
2) Double Flower Var- Lollipop, Sunshine, Burgandi, Fan fair, Rogalis.

Temperature Requirement:- 21°c.
Seed Rate:- 500 to 1500gm seed/ha.
Propagation:- By Seed.
Spacing:- 30×45cm, 30×30cm and 45×60cm.

Harvesting:- Flowering start's after 2 month's of planting. 20 to 25 days after the following flower's will be harvested.

Yield:- 25 to 30 flower/plant (or) 4 to 5 ton/ha.


China Aster (or) Aster

Botanical Name:- Callistephus chinensis
Family:- Asteraceae

1) Tall Var- Princes, Powder puff
2) Medium Var- Astrich feather, Joint camet
3) Dwarf Var- Colour carpet
4) IIHR Var- Kamini, Poornima, Shashank.
5) MPKV Var- Phule white, Phule pink, Phule violet.

Soil:- open sunny locations with well drained red loamy soils with pH of 6.0 to 7.0

Temperature Requirement:- Day time- 20-30°c and Night time- 15-17°c.

Relative Humidity:- 50-60%.
Propagation:- By Seed.
Seed Rate:- 2.5-3kg seed/ha.
Spacing:- 30×30cm, 30×45cm.
Irrigation:- Once in 4-7 day's.

Planting Season:- Throughout the year under cool climate.

Special Practices:- 
Pinching- Pinching of growing tips is done 30 days after transplanting to induce lateral shoots.

Harvesting:- flowering will start after 2-3 months of transplanting. Flower harvested with stalk. Fully open flower's are harvested and bundle of 6-12 flower are tied.

Yield:- 10-20 tan/ha for cut flower.



1) African Marigold-
Botanical Name:- Tagetes erecta
Family:- Asteraceae
Varieties:- Genda, Golden yellow Fiesta, Happiness, Prime rose, Nugget, Pusa basanti, Carnation Flower marigold, Pusa narangi.

2) French Marigold-
Botanical Name:- Tagets patala
Family:- Asteraceae
a) Dwarf Double Var- Start dust, Golden boy, Flame spray
b) Single Flower Var- Start of India, Harmony.

Temperature Requirement:- 18-30°c.
Propagation:- By Seed.
Seed Rate:- 800gm to 1.5kg/ha.

Soil:- Well drained loamy soil is found suitable. The soil pH should be 7.0 to 7.5.

Planting Season:- 
a) Kharif- June to July
b) Rabbi- September to October
c) Summer- February to March.

a) 30-45cm for African
b) 30cm for French.

Irrigation:- Irrigation is done once in a week or as and when necessary. Water stagnation should be avoided.

Special Practices:-
Nipping/tipping- Thirty days after planting terminal portion should be tipped / removed to encourage the branching.

Harvesting:- harvesting should be done fully open flower with stalk for cut flower and loose flower without stalk. Harvesting should be done early in the morning or cut in the evening.

a) African Marigold- 11 to 18 tan/ha
b) French Marigold- 8 to 12 tan/ha
c) Oil Yield- 50 to 60 kg/ha.



Common Name:- Divine flower
Botanical Name:- Dianthus caryophullum
Family:- Caryophyllaceae

1) Perpetual Carnation Var- All woods, Pink and Sin Carnation
2) Standard Var- Sarina, Sund rose
3) Spray Var- Media, Silver pink, Starlight, Hilstar
4) IIHR Var- Arka frame, Arka tejas 
5) Green House Var- Golden wonder, White sin, Pink sin, Villium sin.

Temperature Requirement:- Day time- 18-24°c night time- 10-15°c.

Relative Humidity:- 70-75%

Co2 Requirement:- 8000 to 10,000ppm, Sunny days- 250 to 1500ppm.

Soil:- well drained red loamy soil with pH of 5.5-6.5

Propagation:- Plantlets/Sucker's can be for planting.
Spacing:- 15×15 cm.
Planting Season:- August to September.

Irrigation:- with drip irrigation once in 2-3 days. 4-5 lit/m2/day.

Special Practices:-
1)Pinching- Ideal time for pinching is early morning.
When the plant attains 5 nodes, the first pinch is given. This is called ‘single pinch’. This would give rise to six lateral shoots.
With a one and half pinch, 2-3 of these lateral shoots are pinched again. For the double pinch, all the lateral shoots are pinched off.
2)Disbudding-  In standard carnations, side buds should be removed whereas in spray carnations, the terminal bud has to be removed.

Harvesting:- At Paint brush stage. Flowering starts 110-120 days after planting.

15 flower's/plant.
1) Standard Var- 200 flower/m2/year
2) Spray Var- 250 flower/m2/year
3) Ideal Yield- 200-300 flower/m2 area.



Botanical Name:- Anthurium andreanum
Family:- Aeraceae

1) Red- Red dragon, Flame, Temptation, Tropical red
2) Orange- Peach, Nitta, Sunshine orange, Casino
3) White- Lima, Mauritius white, Acropolis
4) Pink- Abe pink, Candy stripe, Passion
5) Green- Midori, Esmaralda
6) Bicoloured- Fantasia, Chocos, Chicos.

Soil:- Anthurium requires porous, well drained aerated soil rich in organic matter content. The soil pH should be 5.5 and 6.5.

Temperature Required:- day time- 24-28°C and 15-22°C night time.
Relative Humidity:- 80-90%

Propagation:- Seed, Sucker's, Stem cutting, Tissue culture.

Harvest:- Harvest commences after 3 – 6 months of planting. Each leaf unfold will give out one flower. The blooms are placed in water held in plastic buckets immediately after cutting from the plant.

Yield:- An average 8 flowers/plant/year can be obtained.



Botanical Name:- Polianthes tuberosa
Family:- Amaryllidaceae

1) Single Type– Calcutta Single, Mexican Single, Phule Rajani, Prajwal, Shringar, Hyderabad Single, Pune Single.
2 ) Double Type– Calcutta Double, Hyderabad Double, Pearl Double, Swarna Rekha, Vaibhav.

Soil:- Well drained loamy soil having a pH of 6.5-7.5.

Temperature Requirement:- 28-30°c.
Propagation:- By bulbs.
Seed Rate:- 1,12,000 corms/ha.
Planting Time:- July to July.
Spacing:- 45×20cm.

1) For Loose flower and concrete extraction- Individual florets are plucked during early morning, when they start to open.
2 ) For cut flower- Whole spike is cut leaving 4 to 6 cm from the base.

1) Loose flowers- 14-15 t/ha
2) Cut flower- 2-3 lakhs spikes/ha/year
3) Bulbs & bulblets- 20-25 t/ha (at the end of 3rd year).
4) Flower yield- 14-15 t/ha. 
5) Concrete yield- 8 to 10 kg/ha.


Dendrobium Orchid

Botanical Name:- Dendrobium spp.
Family:- Orchidaceae
Varieties:- Sonia 17, Sonia 28, Emma white, Sakura pink.

Soil:- Most common potting mixture consists of charcoal, broken pieces of bricks and tiles, coconut husk and fiber.

Temperature Requirement:- Day time- 21-29°c and night time- 18-21°c.
Relative Humidity:- 70-80%

Propagation:- Bulbs, Tissue culture, Division of clumps.

Special Practices:-
Repotting:- Orchids need repotting regularly, usually every two to three years. The best time for repotting is when fresh roots emerge at the bases of the previous year’s growth.

Splitting or division of plants:-
Plant grown to a large clump with 2 or 3 old canes and new shoots divided before repotting. Each division at least one old cane of two years growth, one new shoot & some new roots.

Harvest:- Dendrobium flower fully matures only 3 or 4 days after it opens.  Harvesting the spike when 75 per cent of the flowers are open and remaining buds are unopen.

Yield:- 8-10 spikes/plant/year.



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