Monday, May 4, 2020

Broccoli Cultivation & Seed Production Technology


Common Name: Sprouting Broccoli
Botanical Name: Brassica oleraceae Var. italica
Family: Cruciferae
Chromosome No. 18
Origin: Mediterranean region
Formation of Curd
Type of Inflorescence: Cymose.
Available Nutrients:
It is most nutritious of the cole crops, especially in vitamins, iron and calcium content. It contains 3.3 per cent protein and high content of vitamin A & C and good quantity of thiamine, niacin and riboflavin. Several flavouring compounds are found in broccoli. The glucosinotate content of purple-headed broccoli has been found. It also contains high concentration of caretenoids which are believed to be chemo preventive and associated with a decreased risk of human cancers. Broccoli may play role in reducing levels of serum cholestrol. Besides, it is also rich source of singrin compound associated with reducing risk of cancer. It is marketed as fresh, frozen and also used in salads.

Climate and Soil: 
It thrives best in a cool and moist climate. It cannot tolerate very high temperature as it produces poor quality sprouts. The optimum temperature to grow is between 17-23°C. Temperature below optimum during growing time delays maturity and small sprouts may be formed.
 be grown on a wide range of soils provided they are rich in nutrients, have adequate soil moisture and possess good drainage.

Photo periodically broccoli is long day plant

1.Palam Samridhi,  2.Decicco,  3.Green Mountain,  4.Green Head,  5.Italian Green,  6.Greenbud

Seed  rate:
250g is sufficient for one acre. To check bolting and buttoning sow the crop at proper time.

The best time for sowing seed in nursery is mid August to mid September. When the seedlings are one month old, transplant them in the field.

Transplant  the seedlings after 3-4 weeks and irrigate the field immediately after transplanting.

Spacing :
A spacing of 45 x 45 cm.should be followed between lines as well as plants.

Isolation Distance: 1600m.

Manures and Fertilizers : 
Apply 40 tonnes of farmyard manure with 50 kg of N,  25 kg. of P2O5 and 25 kg. of K2O  per acre. Apply whole of farmyard manure, P2O5 and K2O and half N before transplanting and remaining half N as top dressing one month after transplanting.

Irrigation : First irrigation should be given immediately after transplanting. The subsequent irrigations should be given at 10-15 day intervals. The total number of irrigations required are 8-12.

Harvesting, Care and Marketing:
As soon as sprouts are of marketable size they should be harvested. They should be marketed as soon as possible because they cannot be stored for a long time. After harvesting the central sprout, axillary sprouts become ready for harvest again in about 10-12 days.

Seed Production 
For seed production the crop is grown just like the market crop. After formation of sprouts the plants are left in situ for seed production. When pods turn brown they should be harvested two or three times. After harvesting they should be thrashed and cleaned.

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